Domestic Violence Support

Family, domestic and sexual violence is a major national health and welfare issue that can have lifelong impacts. The Australian Bureau of Statistic 2016 estimated that two in five Australian adults have experienced violence, and that one in six women and one in seventeen men have experienced partner violence.

UNLIMITED paid domestic violence leave is available and designed to support everyone at SixPivot. It can be taken as a block of time or as individual days. We do not require evidence or supporting documentation with a domestic violence leave application when you are the person in danger or experiencing domestic violence.

We encourage team to seek assistance for domestic violence related concerns and are committed to supporting you. This policy applies to you if you are being directly affected and/or impacted by domestic violence.

  • Reduced responsibility and performance KPI's

  • Changing or redirecting work emails and calls

  • Individual and family counselling for an agreed period

  • Flexible work arrangements in addition to those currently offered as standard

  • Access to an alternate phone if needed

  • Provision of pay advance to be recovered over an agreed period of time

  • Cash support up to $5,000 for legal fees, medical and other

  • Paid Emergency Accommodation for up to a two week period

  • Safety Planning

Inclusive of:

Our policy applies equally to people of all genders. Domestic violence and abuse can occur between opposite or same-sex intimate partners of any age, who may or may not be married or living together. It can also occur between family members, between carers and those they live with or care for in the home. Domestic violence and abuse can continue after a relationship has ended.


We understand information relating to a team member’s situation regarding family and domestic violence is extremely sensitive and is confidential. Information will only be disclosed with your consent and disclosure of your situation is kept to a minimum and on a ‘needs to know’ basis.

Domestic Violence and Abuse Definition:

Sometimes defined as intimate partner violence, family/carer violence or domestic violence, it is an incident or pattern of physical, verbal, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse. It can involve financial/economic abuse and control, and/or stalking and harassment that is perpetrated by one intimate partner over another. Domestic violence and abuse frequently involves control, coercion, threatening behaviour and abuse. It frequently takes place overtime, often starting with small acts of abuse such as:

  • Cyber harassment: many of the forms of control, threats and stalking are carried out virtually through email, text messages, telephone messages etc.

  • Stalking: workplace stalking often results in the perpetrator following a victim to and from their place of work or hanging around the workplace entrance.

  • Emotional/psychological control and threats: can affect confidence and self-esteem and may also include control over social interactions and autonomy.

  • Financial/economic abuse: control of finances, often used to prevent a victim from having the money to pay for transport to get to work, or to buy suitable clothing for work. Without financial independence, it can be very difficult to leave a violent or abusive relationship.

  • Coercive control: a systematic pattern of behaviour with the purpose of undermining a victim and creating fear through threats, humiliation and intimidation and depriving an individual of support and independence. It is a psychological or emotional form of abuse that is used to control and limit the freedom of an intimate partner.

  • Sexual abuse: unwanted sexual attention, including rape.

  • Physical violence: involving hitting, kicking, burning, pulling hair, stabbing and shooting, leading to injury and in the worst cases death.

Are you worried about your own behaviour?

If you are concerned about your behaviour impacting your intimate partner or family/carer, you are encouraged to take domestic violence leave. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge your behaviour is causing harm. Ask yourself:

Ask yourself:
  • Have I ever shouted or screamed at a family member?

  • Have I ever called a family member insulting or belittling names and constantly criticised them?

  • Have I ever prevented my partner spending money for their personal use

  • Have I ever slapped, hit, pushed or shoved a family member – or threatened to?

  • Have I ever scared my partner or children?

  • Have I ever thrown something in my partner’s or child’s presence, such as a glass, a chair or tv remote?

  • Have I ever pressured my partner into doing something sexual that they didn’t want to?

  • Have I ever tried to stop my partner doing something that they wanted to do? (for example, going out with friends, having a job, doing some study

There is a difference between a healthy level of disagreement and using violence and control. We are committed to supporting you when you’re concerned about your own behaviour. With confirmation you are seeking appropriate advice and treatment from a medical doctor or psychologist we encourage you to take domestic violence leave and other support benefits.

If you are in immediate danger or that of a family member call 000

Fair Work Policy Australian Government
  • Link to Fair Work Policy on Domestic & Family Violence leave and related entitlements here.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • If you need support and would like to book a counselling session, contact our EAP. This service is completely confidential.

Domestic & Family Violence Toolkit
  • A self-help resource to help people living with domestic violence here.

  • This is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence line (phone: 1800 737 732) visit website here.

Mensline Australia
  • Supports men and boys who are dealing with family and relationship difficulties. 24/7 telephone and online support and information service (phone: 1300 789 978) visit website here.

Men’s Referral Service
  • This service from No to Violence offers assistance, information and counselling to help men who use family violence (phone: 1300 766 491) visit website here.

  • Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can call 13 11 14, or text 0477 131 114 at night (6pm-midnight AEDT). Someone will help put you in contact with a crisis service in your state or territory. Visit website here.

Last updated