Laptop allowance

Give us a heads up when you need a laptop, we need it pre-approved to fit in the budget for the month. You can purchase the laptop yourself and expense back to us, or we can purchase the laptop on your behalf.

How the laptop scheme works:

  • You/we purchase a laptop that has a two-year warranty (up to the value of $4,400 inc GST)

  • We reimburse you for the cost of the laptop (if you purchased it yourself)

  • Over a 24-month period you will receive an allowance above your normal salary equal to the amount dedicated through salary sacrifice for the laptop; meaning there is no change in your net wages

  • If your laptop is over $4,400 you can use laptop top-up points through the SixPivot shop, or pay the difference through deduction in you next pay

  • If you exit SixPivot before the 24-month period, the remaining balance from the laptop scheme is sourced from your final pay

  • Everybody at SixPivot owns their laptops

Our team has put together a list of their recent laptop recommendations (authentication required) to help you make a decision if you're not sure.

Last updated