Travel and expenses

Our policy

With our clients and team members spread across Australia, there are occasions when Pivots may need to travel to attend work-related meetings, events, or training. This policy details all the requirements, roles, and responsibilities for managing work-related travel and expenses.

Local staff: those living within 100kms of the location are effectively considered to be local and SixPivot will not generally pay travel expenses. Those living outside of 100kms radius are treated as Interstate attendees.

When it comes to travel and expenses, our goal is to balance:

  • Fairness to you: when your travel is for business/PD reasons your personal budget should not be impacted

  • When travel for SixPivot is optional or associated with social events we may co-contribute for certain events.

  • Fairness to your colleagues: travel costs money, which could be used for other initiatives, so we ask for a bit of common sense to be applied when making your choices

  • Our obligations: at the end of the day, SixPivot needs to be accountable. We need to ensure we have appropriate audit trails and timely payments. This leads to effective management of fringe benefits and other tax liabilities.

Reasons you may need/want to travel with SixPivot:

  • PD to attend a conference or speak at a conference

  • Attend a training course as part of your PD

  • Attend Summit

  • Attend our annual retreat/social gatherings

  • Attend other SixPivot meetings

  • Attend client site

What costs are covered by SixPivot during our events?

Note: all travel costs need to be pre-approved by your manager

🏔 Company meetings (e.g., Summit and PLT):

  • Travel to and from home to the venue (interstate attendees)

  • Flights and accommodation including breakfast (interstate attendees)

  • All refreshments for the day and evening of Summit/PLT (all attendees)

  • Travel to and from home to venue will be subsidised and agreed prior to the event (local Staff).

📓 Conferences and training for PD:

  • Travel between the airport and venue, please use the most cost-effective travel possible e.g., ride share, Uber etc. working on your best judgement (interstate attendees)

  • Travel from home to airport will be at your personal expense.

  • Flights and accommodation (interstate attendees)

  • Reimburse all expenses (food and incidentals) for interstate attendees in line with ATO recommendations, maximum $173.55 per night (all receipts must be entered through Xero Expenses)

  • All local staff will travel at their own cost to the venue

🌴 Annual retreat (voluntary attendance):

  • Travel between the airport and venue (interstate attendees) for the Pivot and their partner*

  • Travel from home to airport will be at your personal expense.

  • SixPivot will recommend the most time efficient and cost-effective form of travel to the venue. Should you choose to take an alternative then any additional cost will be at your personal expense.

  • Flights and accommodation (incl. breakfast) for the Pivot and their partner**

  • All refreshments for the evening dinner (all attendees)

  • All local staff will travel at their own cost to the venue

*All other family members (e.g. children) will need to be paid for personally **Team living in New Zealand, we cover accommodation and travel expenses (flights and taxis) up to AU $1,000 per person.

🎉Social Functions (voluntary attendance):

  • All local staff will travel at their own cost to and from the venue

  • Where an employee lives outside of 100kms from where a social function is being held, SixPivot may choose to partially subsidise either your travel costs or accommodation for the evening. All other expenses are to be covered by the individual (seek prior approval from your manager).

Client Site:

If you need to travel as part of your client engagement and intend to claim expenses, then pre-approval is required. This should be raised with your Account Manager so that the travel and expenses costs and reimbursement of those costs can be agreed formally with the client. Once this has been agreed you should then proceed to lodge your expenses through the Xero Expenses app.

Vehicle Expenses

If you would like to claim vehicle expenses such as KM’s, depreciation, fuel etc then you should seek advice from your chosen Tax Agent. SixPivot will not reimburse vehicle expenses.

Travel Insurance

Please note that travel insurance is not covered by SixPivot. If you require travel insurance this is something you need to organise at your own cost.

Expenses App

iOS: download Xero Expenses for iOS

Android: download Xero Expenses for Android

Last updated