Psychosocial Hazards
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Many workplaces have physical hazards, such as dealing with mechanical devices, lifting heavy weights, or sitting too long in one position.
Psychosocial hazards are anything at work that may cause psychological or physical harm. This includes bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment), poor workplace relationships, or experiencing traumatic events.
Some hazards can have a greater impact in remote working situations, such as social isolation, communication challenges, work/life balance issues and workload management. This policy is to address psychosocial hazards here at SixPivot and step through our commitments to you and support we can provide.
See the Code of Practice for more comprehensive details.
Our aim is to recognise and address workplace psychosocial hazards to every extent possible.
This policy applies to everyone at SixPivot. It covers aspects of remote and on-site work as well as external communication with clients (including with client developers, stakeholders, and other external contacts). It also applies to all forms of communications (including texts, email, video conferencing, Zoom, MS Teams and any other tools used for remote collaboration).
We understand information relating to a team member’s psychological wellbeing is sensitive and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality (as well as in compliance with applicable privacy laws).
Team members will not be discriminated against or disadvantaged when raising a psychosocial hazard. We’re committed to preventing negative impacts to our team wellbeing.
Acting promptly, ensuring your immediate safety
Treating all matters seriously and maintaining confidentiality
Communicating process and outcomes to you
Responding with care, sensitivity and a non-judgmental approach
Supporting and working with you and providing information about support available
Encouraging open communication
Aiming to prevent and minimize the occurrence of work-related psychosocial hazards
Providing a supportive and inclusive work environment
Giving appropriate support and resources to team members experiencing challenges
Work-life balance: We actively encourage flexible work, subscribing to the world's best in flexible work (see flexibility). Take regular breaks, naps, work when it works for you. We support you.
Device and app: every team member is given and encouraged to use the Inner Balance sensor and app (valued at $286) by HeartMath. The Inner Balance sensor helps with tracking coherent breathing and heart coherence. These techniques can help people regulate their emotions, reduce anxiety, and can promote wellbeing.
Slack channels: team are encouraged to join our public Slack channel #health-and-well-being to discuss and find resources, as well as chat with our Mental Skills Coach.
Education and awareness: to increase awareness about wellbeing, stress management, and work-life balance. All team have access to:
Neurodiversity and Mental Health Hub: resources and how-to guides for team at SixPivot
Our internal mental health blog (Salty6) for team to share and write blog posts about their experiences or thoughts
Peer Support Networks: team are encouraged to join our mental health Slack channels where we can talk about mental health issues and experiences without fear of discrimination or of being judged by peers.
Public Slack Channel #mh-and-nd, for everyone in sharing resources, support for mental health and neurodiversity and promote a sense of belonging and community.
Private Slack channel #nd-mh-private for people experiencing mental health challenges to share confidentially and provide support to one another (ask an admin for access).
Team health challenges: team are encouraged to join our public Slack channel #health-and-well-being to participate in challenges like Steptember and Push Ups to encourage exercise and charity.
Coaching and counselling: with our Wellbeing Support Team. All team has access to have paid coaching sessions available with an organisational consultant or mental skills coach.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Confidential counselling services are provided through EAP Assist to support members of our team facing mental health challenges. Information about contacting EAP Assist is here.
Leadership: Senior Leadership are responsible for identifying psychosocial hazards, assessing the risks, controlling the risk and reviewing the controls. Leadership are also responsible for setting the tone and culture for wellbeing in the workplace - leading by example and actively fostering a supportive culture.
Employees: Employees are responsible calling out psychosocial hazards they observe as well as, for maintaining their well-being and contributing to a positive work environment. Everyone is encouraged to seek help if they are experiencing psychosocial hazards and to support their team.
Our reporting channels for team experiencing psychosocial hazards include:
Direct communication: with your manager over 1on1s/Slack/email. Your manager can provide support from SixPivot.
Anonymous sharing: in #open-door or #mh-and-nd Slack channel for people who may be hesitant to reveal their identity.
Leadership: team are encouraged to approach any member of the management team, including executives, to discuss psychosocial hazard concerns.
Team meetings: open dialogue is encouraged, and team can share concerns with colleagues and managers.
Wellness team: our designated team specifically trained to support wellbeing concerns, please contact your manager to arrange a time.
We recognise our duty of care towards the wellbeing of our team.
We’re committed to providing a safe and supportive work environment that promotes mental wellbeing and prevents harm to employees' mental health.
Leaders and managers have a responsibility to proactively identify and address any potential risks or concerns related to mental health in the workplace.
Team are encouraged to report any issues or concerns related to wellbeing to their leads, managers and Principal Consultants.
We will take appropriate steps to address reported concerns promptly and implement necessary measures to ensure the well-being and mental health of our employees.
We’re committed to complying with all applicable legislation and regulations related to wellbeing in the workplace, including but not limited to:
Managing the Risk of Psychosocial Hazards at Work Code of Practice
The Work Health and Safety Act and Regulations
Anti-discrimination laws and regulations
Privacy laws and regulations
We’ll regularly review and update our policies and practices to ensure compliance with any changes in legislation or regulations. All team are expected to adhere to these laws and regulations and contribute to maintaining a safe and inclusive work environment
In an emergency call 000 or go to your local hospital emergency department.
Mental Health Commission - information and resources on mental health
Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14
Mental Health access line – 1300 642 255 A confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and links callers to the nearest Public Mental Health service.
13 YARN – 13 92 76 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 46 36
Beyond Blue – information and resources on developing healthy workplaces
Workers’ Psychological Support Service – assists workers who have experienced a work-related psychological injury.
Harassment including sexual harassment