Rewards shop

Our place to spend Good Vibes points

Check it out here: (authentication required). You'll find things like gift cards, flights, accommodation and donations to charity or open source software/projects to spend your points on.

How Good Vibes points work

  • Every team member has $1,000 (in points) from 1 July to 31 May to allocate to other team members to say great work

  • When Good Vibes are awarded a notification is shared publicly in #positive

  • Good Vibes you receive throughout the year can be spent in the store for yourself (more details and rules/exceptions below)

How to allocate points

  • (The easy way) in Slack you can type /goodvibes [@someone] [amount] [reason], or

  • In the Rewards Shop (via Achievements)

How to check your balance

  • In the Rewards Shop, top right hand corner (first number is to spend, second number is points to give), or

  • In Slack you can type /balance

Reset dates

To avoid carrying large balances of points year on year, we reset the points you can allocate and spend every year:

  • Points to allocate run 1 July to 31 May

  • No points to allocate in June

  • 31 May points to allocate to your team mates will be zero'd

  • 1 July points to allocate are reset to 1,000

  • You have until 30 June to spend your points in the Rewards Shop. What doesn't get spent is removed and reset to zero on 1 July.

    • You can "hold" points for future accommodation and laptop allowance top-ups and you can bank them up for the following financial year

    • JB HiFi vouchers cannot exceed $299 in one purchase, and please limit your purchases to a couple a year to help us stay within FBT rulings

    • Note that FBT rules only allow one portable device purchased within the FBT year (1 April to 31 March), so do some maths if you want to, say, get a tablet in the same year you get the laptop update

Last updated