
Feedback culture

Being a remote first we rely on great communication, and we think improving feedback is part of that. Giving and receiving feedback is not a natural skill. Working with Organisational Psychologist, Dr Jessica Tonissen we are implementing a feedback culture in a meaningful way that fits best for us (not some sort of corporate tick box exercise).

Rules of engagement for giving feedback

Giving feedback should be: Genuine, Actionable, Timely, Specific, Safe

  1. Have positive intent, focus of helping others improve. Feedback is not criticism.

  2. Frequent and as close to real time as possible, however ask for an appropriate time.

  3. Use the IEIC framework (authentication required).

  4. Ask for permission to give feedback, make sure the receiver is in a good place to receive feedback - accept people not wanting feedback in that moment.

Other considerations for feedback giver:

  • Allow the receiver time to reflect and ask questions, don't rush through the conversation

  • Focus on actions, outcomes

  • Ask questions and listen to responses

  • Be ok with the receiver disagreeing with you, and deciding not to take action

  • Positive and negative feedback is important, don't just look for opportunities in one or the other

Rules of engagement for receiving feedback:

Receiving feedback should be: Safe, Respectful, Specific, Actionable

  1. Assume positive intent, know that the feedback giver is doing this with the aim to help you improve.

  2. Be respectful, and give them your attention. This can be hard, resist the feelings of defensiveness.

  3. Be thankful and mean it, even if you don't agree. Appreciate that the giver has taken the time to give you feedback, most likely putting them in an uncomfortable position.

Other considerations for the receiver of feedback

  • Be honest about your mindset, and defer the conversation if you need to

  • Listen to what is being said, even though you might not want to

  • Reflect on what you heard and ask questions, even if this means you need to defer the rest of the conversation

  • Make a decision on what actions you can take and who will be responsible for follow up if needed. Giver, receiver, or both?

Our internal whole team training videos

  • Introductory session here

  • Neuroscience of feedback session here

  • SixPivot's feedback culture here

  • Framework deep dive here

Last updated